Baby B sleeping with it's back towards up. 15 1/5 weeks.
Baby A looking right at us. 15 1/2 weeks.
In September we found out we were pregnant. Yes, both Randle and I were shocked to find this out. My IUD was only out a week when this happened. I never worried about having another because of my fertility issues. But apparently I was wrong. I went for my first appt on Oct 3rd. The Dr could see one heart beat, but the fetus was so small he couldn't measure it to tell how far along I was. So we were guessing because it was so small still that I was approx 6 weeks. So we just scheduled my next appt for Novemner 7th. On November 7th I went in and took Jesse with me. He was excited to see the baby. Not only did we get to see the baby, but I was told there were TWO babies. Jesse was excited about two babies and I was in shock about it. I had to tell Randle over the phone because he was at work and was wondering how my appt went. He took it pretty well. But even if he didn't, he had 3 hours at work before he came home to mull it over. So by the time he came home he seemed alright with things. But I have my suspicions that he about had a heart attack when I told him. To bad I couldn't see his face though. On that visit I should have been 11 weeks by how my first visit went, but both babies measured 13 weeks. So my due date went from end of May to May 14th. I went for my 3rd appt on December 5th. Babies both were measuring 17 weeks, which is right where I should be. As of right now it looks like 2 sacs, but 1 placenta. We'll be able to tell if there is 2 placentas next month. It is easier to tell the bigger they get (that is what I am told anyway). The doctor did give me a guess on what the gender is, but he was not 99% sure for either baby. So I am not really saying what he said until I get a 99% sure. They are still small enough that he said he can not be for sure until next visit when I will be 22 weeks. I will post pictures later. So that is the update on our little family for now.
Into The Darkness Online PDF eBook
7 years ago
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